Synthetic and medicinal chemistry :
LAXMI GENCHEM employs a highly experienced team of synthetic and medicinal chemists, located in Hyderabad. to support the varied synthetic and drug discovery needs of our clients. We believe in continually developing our medicinal chemistry teams. An emphasis on training, coaching and mentorship is reflected in an excellent retention rate for our scientists. Furthermore, this continuity results in a depth of knowledge and expertise that supports the long-term success of the clients projects.Synthetic and medicinal chemistry services offered by LAXMI GENCHEM include :
Medicinal Chemistry Team
At LAXMI GENCHEM, we ensure that each of the teams supporting the clients medicinal chemistry is led by a senior scientist with either extensive discovery experience or with a track record of success in delivering compounds within a CRO context. This understanding of a clients needs allows the teams to respond efficiently to critical issues and to prioritise decisive activities.